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Book Of The Month: Creepy Carrots

It’s Halloween time! I know my kids are counting down the days. Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds is an adorable tale about Jasper Rabbit and the carrots that torment him. This is a great book for targeting “r” words in speech with words like crackenhopper , creepy, carrots, real, ridiculous, under, and never. This is a fun book that manages to keep kids laughing while sneaking in some great speech practice. As a bonus, we made this book even more interactive by making our own “Creepy Carrots” with some construction paper, googly eyes and glue. I love sending home a little craft that kids can hang up at home. Not only does it excite them to share with their parents but hanging their carrots in their room or on the fridge it lends multiple opportunities to continue using their targeted sounds at home. Super easy and fun!


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